Alexei Frederick Remollino Flores

Data Analyst and Statistics Nerd (but a cool one)

Alexei Flores

About Me

There are no straight lines in life. Either the world changes under our feet; or we do. I'm Alexei, born and raised in the Philippines, and this is who I am. At 16, I wanted to understand people; so I majored in Psyvhology.

At 22, a stroke paralyzed the left side of my body; so I couldn't be who I wanted to be at 16.

At 23, I realized that education was the only way out of a limited life, so I studied Spanish and German on my own at home.

At 26, I started a Masters degree in Psychology after the rest of my family moved to the United States.

At 28, I migrated to the United States in search of greater oppurtunity for someone with a disability

At 29, a global pandemic shut the world down; and I realized that I had to adapt or die.

I studied Data Science for the same reason I studied Psychology: I wanted to understand the universe. My brief experience with graduate-level Psychology taught me that statistics was awesome. If Math is the languge of science; then data is the poetry in which the music of the universe is written. My fascination only grew after an argument with a computer scientist made me realize how much social sciences can bring into a tech conversation

I expected the process of learning Data Analytics to be hard; but I didn't expect to end up enjoying this journey. I will paraphrase JFK by saying that I chose to study data, statistics, code, and all the other things not because it would be easy; but because I knew it would be hard. That's how badly I wanted to read the poetry of our Universe. So put me to work with your data, and let me find that poetry. Then I'll put that poetry to music and make your data sing.

I'm always up for a challenge; or learning oppurtunity. If we share sentiments, I'd like to chat.

Some More information

=What I Have to Offer
Programming Languages Skills Spoken Languages
Python(inc. Pandas and Matplotlib) Experimental Design English
SQL Statistics Filipino
HTML inc. CSS Creative Writing Deutsch
Non-Data Things That I Love
Books TV Series Songs
Meet Cute Daybreak Der Holle Rache
An Abundance of Catherines the 100 Volare
Nightwatch Stranger Things Sinta
My First HTML